2023 Census data are published; 429 thousand Albanians have left the country in 13 years
2,402,113 inhabitants live in Albania, according to the results of the 2023 Census, published today.
In comparison with the data of the Population and Housing Census 2011, when the population was 2,831,741 inhabitants, it turns out that Albania has shrunk by more than 420 thousand Albanians.
According to the director of the INSTAT state statistics institute, Elsa Dhuli, the census estimated in the Albanian territory on September 18, 2023, 2,402,113 inhabitants, who make up 755,950 families, with an average size of 3.2 members per family, who live in 1,082,529 house/apartments.
According to INSTAT data, out of 1,082,529 ordinary apartments, 11% of them are empty.
The 2023 Population and Housing Census is the 12th Census, since Albania was declared an independent state in 1912, as the first Census was carried out in 1923. Since the 1989 Census, its methodology has increasingly followed international recommendations for its implementation.
The Census of Population and Housing provides data on the official population count in a country, in the smallest geographical unit, along with information on a selected number of demographic, social and economic characteristics of the population.
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