Millions invested for Bulqiza but the football team is still without a stadium and at amateur level

Millions invested for Bulqiza but the football team is still without a stadium and at amateur level

“Fiks Fare” show on Top Channel tonight reported the abuses of the administration of Bulqiza football team in the northeast of Albania, founded in 2020 but still without a stadium and with an amateur level team.

In the last four years, hundreds of millions of lek have been allocated, both state and donations, for the construction of a stadium, but the field is not finished yet. Year after year, more budget money is thrown for fences and reconstructions but all seems to have gone to waste, as throughout these years the team has never played in Bulqiza, but in the capital Tirana.
Fiks Fare editors received some photos of the condition of the football field, which, despite the many investments, is in a bad condition, while the fence has been destroyed. The football field has no goals and there is no road to get there.
All investments, from 2021 to 2024, have not been effective. After almost 22 million lek invested for the field, 8.4 million for the fence and the building, more money must be thrown.
Sport Club Bulqiza was founded in 2020 and is 100% owned by the municipality. In the financial statements, since its establishment in 2020, this team has received 35.3 million ALL in funding from the municipality’s budget.
Fiks Fare group went to the sports field, where the interior has begun to be restored. The groundskeeper says some workers have come and made adjustments. Fiks Fare asked if these workers are from the municipality or private, as he replied that “they are private and they made adjustments in the dressing rooms”.
The municipality is reported to have opened a tender for the fencing of the field with a duration of works of 28 days and the procedure has as opening date November 4, 2024, but no work has started, because “the procurement procedure has not been completed”, the municipality justifies.
But from what Fiks Fare found by talking to the groundsman, some workers of a company had come to do works before November 4. For these works, the Municipality does not write a single line, neither if they are foreseen in the current tender, nor if it was from a previous one.

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