Rama at the security forum on the immigration agreement with Italy: I could not say “no” to Italy and to Meloni, because of our history

Rama at the security forum on the immigration agreement with Italy: I could not say “no” to Italy and to Meloni, because of our history

During the panel at the GLOBSEC 2024 Security Forum, Rama was also asked about the agreement for hosting immigrants from Italy, saying that Albania cannot say no to Italy, while secondly, according to him, this agreement “shows that we are all Europeans”.

“First of all, we can’t say ‘no’ to Italy, you can’t say ‘no’ to Meloni either, we don’t say no to Italy because of the history and the fact how much it has been present for us, when we have been in bad situations. Secondly, because we are all Europeans and we must behave like Europeans even though they are delaying our permission to be part of this common European family.
Rama further added that the objective of the Albanian government is membership in the European Union within the year 2030, but he said is aware that this decision is not in his hands, but in the hands of the leaders of the union.
“We are Europeans, we are stubbornly in love with Europe and we do not take “no” for an answer. We will be with the EU even when the EU disappears and we will invite everyone to restart it from Albania and rebuild another European Union”, said Rama prophetically.
The statements of the head of the government were made in the second day of the security forum that is being held in Prague.

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