DP opposition sets fire to the chairs outside the Parliament in protest, PM Rama: The difference is that we plant, whereas they burn

DP opposition sets fire to the chairs outside the Parliament in protest, PM Rama: The difference is that we plant, whereas they burn

Deputies of the Democratic Party today took the extreme act of burning chairs outside the Parliament of Albania in protest against the prison sentence of fellow democrat Salianji.

The flames for a moment went out of control, threatening the entrance of the parliament, before the officers of the Guard of the Republic extinguished them.
After that, the opposition addressed the plenary session of the parliament again, where they blocked the floor.
Prime Minister Edi Rama has reacted to the situation caused in the Assembly, condemning the act which according to him, shows the difference between the socialists in power and the democratic opposition.
Speaking at the meeting with the public “The MP we want”, he said: “Coming here someone sent me this picture… this is a burning fire with the chairs of the MPs elected to represent those who voted them there, in a sign of revolt against a court decision”.
“I believe that between these two views, there is a division here today between us, those who try to heal, plant… and those who destroy, uproot, burn”, said PM Rama.
He then added figuratively that “politics has the power to both sow and exterminate”.

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