Appeals court sentences opposition deputy to prison, PD convenes the Parliamentary Group

Appeals court sentences opposition deputy to prison, PD convenes the Parliamentary Group

After the decision of the Albanian Court of Appeal, where Ervin Salianj was sentenced to one year in prison, PD has announced an emergency meeting at headquarters.

After the decision, Salianji said that everything in the court was prepared.
“As you followed the session, the court had come with a pre-prepared decision. A forged decision to open this litigation. They postponed the last session, to bring a decision-making by judges who are the same as a section of the SP to judge a section of the DP.
“I will fight this battle, in the future you will have many other processes, and we would see how the story will go in the future. We will be here again and we will have time to start the process thoroughly.
“I will appeal the decision and we will follow other court procedures. Minister Fatmir Xhafaj is the man who is being used by Rama and will capture ground not yet captured in the judiciary.
“I will be available and I will and I will gladly do it wherever they want. All this is done before the elections”, said the opposition MP Salianji, among other things.

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