Erdogan in Tirana promises trade and armaments for Albania, asks to reject dissident organizations
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the joint conference with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Tirana expressed that he appreciates the fight that our country is doing against terrorist organizations, referring to the dissident group FETO, which has been declared a ‘terrorist’ by Turkey. “We continue our efforts to increase trade volume to 2 […]

Panik në avion, piloti vdes gjatë fluturimit
Një tragjedi ka ndodhur në një fluturim të Turkish Airlines, ku piloti vdiq teksa avioni ishte në ajër. Avioni A350 po fluturonte nga Seattle, SHBA për në Stamboll, kur kapiteni i tij, Ilchehin Pehlivan, u ndje papritur keq dhe përfundimisht ndërroi jetë. Pavarësisht përpjekjeve për ta mbajtur në jetë, kapiteni nuk ia doli dhe sipas […]

A Turkish imam is chosen as head the new Namazgja mosque, before Erdogan’s visit to Albania
The Namazgja Mosque in Tirana already has a leader, and he is not Albanian, but a Turkish imam. As reported, the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Turkey has appointed the Imam of the Namazgja Mosque, built with funds from the Turkish government in Albania. It was the Turkish Imam Enes Bastur himself who announced this […]