Albanian pensioners protest in front of the Prime Minister’s Office: You doubled your own salaries but impoverished us
“You doubled the salaries for yourself, while you impoverished the pensioners… We will raise our voices, we will take to the streets…”, said today the pensioners gathered in a protest in front of the prime minister’s office in the Albanian capital, Tirana. Pensioners have undertaken several protests for their dire economic situation, starting from the […]

Former opposition prime minister Berisha is asked whether Trump will remove his ‘non grata’ after the victory in the USA
Former Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha commented today on Donald Trump’s victory in the US elections, when he was also asked if he believed that the US administration will remove the non grata measure he has in the US. Berisha stated: “The return of Donald Trump marks a great achievement for the American nation, which […]

PM Rama is welcomed by Orban at the summit of European leaders in Budapest
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama was received today by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Hungary for the meeting of the European Political Community, as well as receiving the baton for the upcoming summit in Tirana in the first half of 2025. He is participating in the fifth meeting of the European Political Community, along […]

Albania and the EU start the first chapter of membership talks in Brussels
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama was in Luxembourg today at a historic moment in the European Integration Process for the country. Rama was in the talks with the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani, the Minister of State and Chief Negotiator Majlinda Dhuka, the Minister of State for Public Administration and Anticorruption Adea […]

Former minister of defense opposes the act-expertise in the judicial hearing for abuse of office
Today in the Special Court, a hearing was held against the former Minister of Defense, Fatmir Mediu, who was in office at the time of the murderous explosion of the weapon dismantling plant in Gerdec. Through his lawyer, Henrik Ligori, Mediu objected to the act-economic-financial expertise as well as the answers given by the experts […]

Prokuroria e Palermos kërkon 6 vite burg për Salvinin, sepse pengoi refugjatët të zbarkonin në brigjet italiane
Nga Alba Kepi Prokuroria e Palermos ka kërkuar 6 vite burg për Matteo Salvinin, aktualisht zv/kryeministër e Ministër i Transportit në qeverinë Meloni. Akuza bazohet në faktet e 5 viteve (2019) më parë kur Lideri i Partisë Lega ishte ministër i Brendshëm e ndaloi zbarkimin në Lampeduza të 147 refugjatë ilegalë të mbërritur në brigjet […]

“O vëlla ka llafe për atë mikun tënd ministër të Brendshëm. Di gjë ti?- Gazment Bardhi i nxjerr Ramës komunikimet e Sky ECC: Po ta them unë kush ta emëroi drejtorin e Policisë në Shkodër
Kryetari i Grupit Parlamentar të PD, Gazment Bardhi ka replikuar me kryeministrin Edi Rama në lidhje me mbetjet toksike. Por gjatë replikës, Bardhi publikoi një komunikim në SKY ECC, që sipas tij tregun se kush e ka zgjedhur kreun e Policisë së Shkodrës. “E dija që ishe ekspert i inceneratorë, por që të ishe ekspert […]

Minister of Finance presents reform in the pension scheme: It ensures higher pensions
In his first conference as Minister of Finance, Petrit Malaj announced the undertaking of a reform in the pension scheme, of which he said would provide higher pensions for senior citizens. “We are also working with the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation for the whole pension scheme, which is not in its best days, […]

PM Rama at the conference of ambassadors announces hosting of the NATO summit in 2027: We must get ready for entry into the EU in 2030
From the annual conference with the ambassadors of Albania in the world, Prime Minister Edi Rama estimated that Albanian diplomacy now “brings respect”, while he emphasized European integration work and benefiting from the EU’s economic package for the region. “Next year, Albania will host the leaders of 44 European countries at the Summit of the […]

Ministër inspects the Murriz tunnel, in the important new northeastern ‘Rruga e Arbrit’ highway
In the Murriz tunnel, part of the Arbri Road in the northeast of Albania, work is being done on completing the last 400 meters. Minister of Energy, Belinda Balluku, with the Director of the Albanian Road Authority, Gentian Gjyli, as well as representatives of the company that carries out the works were at the construction […]

DP opposition reports new minister to the special prosecution for abuse of office and violation of tenders
The Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Party has today asked the special anti-corruption prosecution SPAK to start investigations into the former director of the Durrës Port Authority, Pirro Vëngu, just chosen by the prime minister as the new Minister of Defense. The report according to the PD Group is related to a tender procedure carried […]

Nis seanca e posaçme në Kuvend, Lindita Nikolla përjashton Gazment Bardhin
Ka nisur seanca e posaçme në Kuvend, ku pritet të votohen ndryshimet në qeveri të propozuara nga Kryeministri Edi Rama dhe të dekretuara nga presidenti Bajram Begaj. Seanca ka nisur me debat, ku Lindita Nikolla ka përjashtuar nga seanca kryetarin e Grupit të Partisë Demokratike, Gazment Bardhin. NDRYSHIMET – Niko Peleshi- Drejtim i Grupit Parlamentar […]

Kuvendi voton për ndryshimet në Qeveri, miratohen ministrat e rinj
Tensione në sallën e Kuvendit. Deputetë të opozitës kanë zaptuar foltoren e Kuvendit, ndërsa Kryetarja e Kuvendit, Lindita Nikolli, ka kaluar për votim dekretet e Presidentit Bajram Begaj për ndryshimet në Qeveri. “Hajdut Hajdut”, bërtiste Gazment Bardhi, kreu i Grupit Parlamentar të PD-së, duke iu drejtuar Kryeministrit Edi Rama dhe kryeparlamentares në detyrë Nikolla, ndërsa […]

Korreshi ironizon emërimet e Ramës: Një ministër me 3 pasaporta, tjetri me makinë llogaritëse
Deputeti i PD-së, Saimir Korreshi ka komentuar ndryshimet e fundit në qeveri të lajmëruara ditën e sotme nga kryeministri Edi Rama. Me anë të një postimi në “Facebook”, Korreshi ironizoi Ervin Hoxhës si drejtues i IKMT, duke thënë se njëri nga ministrat e rinj ka punuar me shembjet. Ndërsa për Pirro Vengun deklaroi tha se […]

Rama njofton ndryshime të mëdha në qeveri/ Balla lë ministrinë e Brendshme, emrat që lëvizin
Kryeministri Edi Rama ka lajmëruar në fund të fjalës së tij në Kongresin e Partisë Socialiste ndryshimet e reja në qeveri. Taulant Balla nuk do të jetë më ministër i Brendshëm, por ai do të marrë postin e ministrit të Shtetit për marrëdhënien me Parlamentin. Ndërkohë që Taulant Ballën në Ministrinë e Brendshme pritet ta […]

Riformatohet qeveria e Malit të Zi, tre ministra shqiptarë
Me propozimin e kryeministrit Milojko Spajiç deputetët kanë votuar për ndryshimin e përbërjes të qeverisë, e 44-tërta e Malit të Zi. Qeveria në Malin e Zi tani do të ketë 32 anëtarë, duke u bërë kabineti më i madh në historinë e vendit. Ministrat shqiptarë dhe ata të komuniteteve të tjera kanë mbajtur pozicionet e […]

Minister inspects new waste water plant in Himara: With the completion of “Program IV” all southern cities will be treated
In the municipality of Himara, the project “Water supply of rural areas IV” is being implemented, which aims to improve the infrastructure of water supply and sewerage. The project envisages the systematization, collection and treatment of polluted water, including the improvement of management capacities. The Deputy Prime Minister, at the same time Minister of Infrastructure […]

Head of the opposition Berisha takes to Strasbourg the house arrest complaint: Albanian justice did not listen to me
Former Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha has addressed the Strasbourg court his complaint after six months of house arrest and a long series of requests in Albania, all of which were rejected. Through a lawsuit, the lawyers of the former prime minister ask the European Court of Human Rights to intervene to remove the measure […]

Starts the opposition protest in front of the Prime Minister’s Office, hundreds of police on standby in Tirana
After receiving the seal and logo of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha called a national protest tonight, which has officially started in front of the Prime Minister’s Office. Two are the main demands of the democrats, the creation of a technical government and the release of the opposition leader who has been in isolation for […]

Former minister is summoned to the Prosecutor’s Office on theft of more than 50 tons of metal in the Policani complex
The former Interior Minister, at the same time the head of the SP in power Parliamentary Group, Bledi Çuçi, has been called to testify at the Prosecutor’s Office as a person in the know regarding the theft of a significant amount of metals at the former Polican Mechanical Combine. Çuçi has been identified in conversations […]