3 rezultate u gjendën
Residents of village in Lushnja complain that ” the river now has an owner “, the buyer: I bought it with state documents!

Residents of village in Lushnja complain that ” the river now has an owner “, the buyer: I bought it with state documents!

Residents of the village of Imshte in Lushnje in the southwest of Albania are protesting after hundreds of hectares of land alonf tha banks of Seman River have now been given an owner. According to them, the property is inside the embankment and the laws foresee it as “state property”. However, an individual went to […]
240 Albanian police officers referred to the prosecution for crimes, drugs or corruption in 2024

240 Albanian police officers referred to the prosecution for crimes, drugs or corruption in 2024

The inspector and commissioner of the police district nr. 5. in Kamza, Tirana was arrested yesterday after being involved in a traffic accident in the highway Torovic – Balladre, and resulting to drive under the influence of alcohol. Since the beginning of the year 38 oficers of the state security agencies were arrested, detained or […]
Senatori amerikan: ‘Deep State’ po drejton Amerikën, u vërtetua që Biden është dordolec

Senatori amerikan: ‘Deep State’ po drejton Amerikën, u vërtetua që Biden është dordolec

  Pas debatit presidencial të së premtes në SHBA i cili u cilësua masivisht një performancë e keqe nga Presidenti Joe Biden, senatori i Albamas, Tommy Tuberville tha se ajo çka u kuptua është se ‘deep state’ po drejton Amerikën. Sipas senatorit të lartë amerikan të Alabamës, Biden është një dordolec i cili drejtohet nga […]