5 rezultate u gjendën
Ballot boxes of partial elections in Himara are opened, after the opposition’s request for electoral invalidity

Ballot boxes of partial elections in Himara are opened, after the opposition’s request for electoral invalidity

The DP opposition continued today with the calls for the opening of the boxes for the partial elections of the Municipality of Himara, in the hope that they will be repeated. Representative Koli Bele said that the right originates from Article 21, Section 2, and that the practice is consolidated in previous cases. “The process […]
Opposition’s questioner against head of special prosecution in parliament sees him accused of “intellectual crime” and “political imprisonment” of Berisha

Opposition’s questioner against head of special prosecution in parliament sees him accused of “intellectual crime” and “political imprisonment” of Berisha

The head of the Albanian Special Prosecutor’s Office, Altin Dumani, was faced today for about 4 hours with numerous accusations, criticisms and ironies from the democratic opposition MPs, while he was in the Parliament to present the annual work report of the institution he leads. Opposition MPs Tritan Shehu, Flamur Noka, Elda Hoti, Edi Paloka […]
Starts the opposition protest in front of the Prime Minister’s Office, hundreds of police on standby in Tirana

Starts the opposition protest in front of the Prime Minister’s Office, hundreds of police on standby in Tirana

After receiving the seal and logo of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha called a national protest tonight, which has officially started in front of the Prime Minister’s Office. Two are the main demands of the democrats, the creation of a technical government and the release of the opposition leader who has been in isolation for […]
Head of opposition party PL, Ilir Meta formalizes separation from his wife Monika, also a high official of the party

Head of opposition party PL, Ilir Meta formalizes separation from his wife Monika, also a high official of the party

Former Albanian president Ilir Meta, chairman of the ‘Partia e Lirise’, has tonight confirmed the separation from his wife Monika Kryemadhi, who until recently was also the leader of the opposition group, the third largest party in the country. In an interview given for the show on SyriTv, he said that there is a divorce […]
The opposition demands explanations for the health abuses scandal, minister: Doctors will be punished with their licenses

The opposition demands explanations for the health abuses scandal, minister: Doctors will be punished with their licenses

Yesterday’s accusations for some doctors of abuse with the patients’ treatment at the Oncology hospital in Tirana, caused strong debates in the Albanian parliament today. Opposition’s DP Albana Vokshi along with her opposition colleagues issued strong accusations towards former health ministers of and the current one Albana Koçiu, as supporters of the abuses. “Koçiu, Manja, […]