![Vodafone Albania Ndez Rrjetin me 5G](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/vodafone-albania-ndez-rrjetin-me-5g_674a25fccfdea.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Vodafone Albania Ndez Rrjetin me 5G
Vodafone Albania Ndez Rrjetin me 5G Vodafone Albania ka siguruar spektrin e ri 5G në brezat e frekuencave 3400-3800 MHz në ankandin e fundit të zhvilluar nga Autoriteti i Komunikimeve Elektronike dhe Postare (AKEP), çka do të përmirësojë kapacitetet ekzistuese të rrjetit tonë celular, duke ofruar lidhje më të shpejtë dhe shumë të përgjegjshme për […]
![Mbrojtja në epokën digjitale/ “One Albania” mban konferencën e sigurisë kibernetike e mbrojtjen e biznesit](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/mbrojtja-ne-epoken-digjitale-one-albania-mban-konferencen-e-sigurise-kibernetike-e-mbrojtjen-e-biznesit_6749918519349.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Mbrojtja në epokën digjitale/ “One Albania” mban konferencën e sigurisë kibernetike e mbrojtjen e biznesit
Lideri i telekomunikacionit One Albania mbajti këtë të martë One Tech Forum, Konferenca për Sigurinë Kibernetike ku bëri bashkë përfaqësues të industrisë, zyrtarë dhe ekspertë të sigurisë kibernetike duke shërbyer si një platformë për hapjen e një dialogu mbi risqet kibernetike dhe nevojën për masa të forta sigurie në sektorë të ndryshëm. Drejtori ekzekutiv, Brano […]
![One Connect Hub! Një hapësirë unike për teknologjinë i është shtuar kryeqytetit](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/one-connect-hub-nje-hapesire-unike-per-teknologjine-i-eshte-shtuar-kryeqytetit_67499177a745c.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
One Connect Hub! Një hapësirë unike për teknologjinë i është shtuar kryeqytetit
One Connect Hub bëhet pjesë e Piramidës, qendrës më të madhe digjitale në Ballkan Një hapësirë e re unike për teknologjinë i është shtuar kryeqytetit, pranë ambienteve të Piramidës. One Albania ka inaguruar One Connect Hub, një qendër inovacioni dhe teknologjie, që do të nxisë bashkëpunimin mes entuziastëve të teknologjisë, inovatorëve dhe krijuesve të startup-eve. […]
![VIDEO/ Vermoshi and Thethi in northern Albania are covered by the snow](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/video-vermoshi-and-thethi-in-northern-albania-are-covered-by-the-snow_674096fa72b9d.png-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
VIDEO/ Vermoshi and Thethi in northern Albania are covered by the snow
During Wednesday evening and in the early hours of Thursday morning, there was heavy rainfall in Albania, accompanied by strong winds and snowfall in the northern areas of the country. This weather has also caused falling stones or inert materials on several road axes, which have already been cleared, local authorities report. Meanwhile, there was […]
![Kombëtarja rinis stërvitjet për Shqipëri-Ukrainë, zbulohet misteri i mungesës së Cikalleshit te lamtumirat (VIDEO)](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/kombetarja-rinis-stervitjet-per-shqiperi-ukraine-zbulohet-misteri-i-mungeses-se-cikalleshit-te-lamtumirat-video_673b02fdf3cc7.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Kombëtarja rinis stërvitjet për Shqipëri-Ukrainë, zbulohet misteri i mungesës së Cikalleshit te lamtumirat (VIDEO)
17 Nëntor 2024 18:43 Telesport Kombëtarja shqiptare është rikthyer në fushë dhe ka nisur zyrtarisht përgatitjet për ndeshjen e fundit në grupin B1 të UEFA Nations League ndaj Ukrainës, e programuar për t’u luajtur të martën e 19 nëntorit në stadiumin “Air Albania”, në orën 20:45. Skuadra zhvilloi sot një seancë stërvitore në “Shtëpinë e […]
![Shqipëri “shterpë” me Çekinë! 90 minuta plot ethe dhe ankth në “Air Albania”, por pa gol](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/shqiperi-shterpe-me-cekine-90-minuta-plot-ethe-dhe-ankth-ne-air-albania-por-pa-gol_673924d05be73.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Shqipëri “shterpë” me Çekinë! 90 minuta plot ethe dhe ankth në “Air Albania”, por pa gol
16 Nëntor 2024 22:38 Telesport Shqipëria nuk mori dot më shumë se një barazim pa gola me Çekinë në “Air Albania”, sfidë e vlefshme për Nations League dhe për shanset tona që të kapërcejmë një vazo më lart para Kampionatit Botëror. Kuqezinjtë e drejtuar nga trajneri Sylvinho dhanë maksimumin në fushë, por skuadra kundërshtare tregoi […]
![Flakadanë drejt stadiumit, në “Air Albania” vendosen rrjeta për të penguar reagimin kuqezi kundër Çekisë](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/flakadane-drejt-stadiumit-ne-air-albania-vendosen-rrjeta-per-te-penguar-reagimin-kuqezi-kunder-cekise_6738ec95cc1a4.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Flakadanë drejt stadiumit, në “Air Albania” vendosen rrjeta për të penguar reagimin kuqezi kundër Çekisë
16 Nëntor 2024 19:14 Telesport Kombëtarja shqiptare sonte përballet me Çekinë në stadiumin “Air Albania”. Kjo sfidë e shumëpritur nis në orën 20:45 dhe vlen për Nations League. Synimi i kuqezinjve është kapërcimi në një vazo më lart dhe për këtë i duhet një fitore në takimin e sotëm, ku pritet që formacioni ynë të […]
![“Air Albania” ndryshon emrin, nis konkursi kombëtar për kompanitë e interesuara](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/air-albania-ndryshon-emrin-nis-konkursi-kombetar-per-kompanite-e-interesuara_67338a7d6dbee.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
“Air Albania” ndryshon emrin, nis konkursi kombëtar për kompanitë e interesuara
12 Nëntor 2024 16:53 Telesport Qendra Kombëtare Kuq e Zi (QSKZ) sot ka njoftuar publikisht shpalljen e hapjes së një procesi publik për ofertat, në lidhje me të drejtat e emërtimit të Stadiumit Kombëtar në Tiranë, Shqipëri. Stadiumi Kombëtar, i njohur aktualisht me emrin komercial “Air Albania Stadium”, me një kapacitet prej 22,500 vendesh, është […]
![PM Rama for ‘Il Giornale’: I do not support anyone in the US elections, a divisive electoral campaign](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/pm-rama-for-il-giornale-i-do-not-support-anyone-in-the-us-elections-a-divisive-electoral-campaign_672b7f4060877.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
PM Rama for ‘Il Giornale’: I do not support anyone in the US elections, a divisive electoral campaign
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in an interview with the Italian news network “Il Giornale” commented today on the agreement for immigrants with Italy, the elections held in America and the candidates in the race. Rama also shared the experiences of his life, commenting that he “lived everything in a hurry” while adding that he […]
![Protest march in Shkodra after the assassination attack with three victims: Civilization is stronger than crime](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/protest-march-in-shkodra-after-the-assassination-attack-with-three-victims-civilization-is-stronger-than-crime_67278b194561f.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Protest march in Shkodra after the assassination attack with three victims: Civilization is stronger than crime
In the northern center of Albania, Shkodër, a protest called by the opposition was held today after the serious event of two days ago where 3 people lost their lives in an armed attack, including an innocent woman. Supporters of the opposition and citizens have gathered in front of Shkodra’s town hall holding placards with […]
![PM Rama conference with the EU ambassador: Most positive EU progres report for Albania](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/11/pm-rama-conference-with-the-eu-ambassador-most-positive-eu-progres-report-for-albania_6724e79a5d82e.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
PM Rama conference with the EU ambassador: Most positive EU progres report for Albania
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama today attended a press conference with the ambassador of the European Union, Silvio Gonzato, with a focus on the 2024 Progress Report for Albania, where he assessed the country’s progress towards joining the bloc. “Today is the occasion to repeat that the progress report is the most complete, most detailed, […]
![Shqipëri–Çeki, mos kërkoni më për bileta! “Air Albania” është e prenotuar 100% që sot](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/10/shqiperi-ceki-mos-kerkoni-me-per-bileta-air-albania-eshte-e-prenotuar-100-qe-sot_67234822e2f51.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Shqipëri–Çeki, mos kërkoni më për bileta! “Air Albania” është e prenotuar 100% që sot
30 Tetor 2024 17:12 Telesport Biletat e ndeshjes Shqipëri–Çeki, e vlefshme për grupin B1 Nations League janë shitur të gjitha. Stadiumi “Air Albania” do të jetë edhe këtë herë i mbushur me tifozë shqiptarë, në mbështetje të Kombëtares kuqezi, raporton Federata Shqiptare e Futbollit. Interesi për të ndjekur ndeshjen Shqipëri – Çeki ka qenë i […]
![Rama in New York seeks the vote of the Albanian Diaspora: We are in the last kilometer of EU ascension](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/10/rama-in-new-york-seeks-the-vote-of-the-albanian-diaspora-we-are-in-the-last-kilometer-of-eu-ascension_671e4ffc27e59.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Rama in New York seeks the vote of the Albanian Diaspora: We are in the last kilometer of EU ascension
During his current visit to New York, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in a meeting with Albanian expats asked for the participation of the diaspora in the upcoming parliamentary elections, as he put it ‘to not jeopardize the progress Albania has made so far’. “Diaspora today must play for Albania the role played by the […]
![Democratic opposition complains in Strasbourg about the political situation in Albania](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/10/democratic-opposition-complains-in-strasbourg-about-the-political-situation-in-albania_671a5b7f2a8f2.png-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Democratic opposition complains in Strasbourg about the political situation in Albania
On the third day of the meetings of the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party in Strasbourg with officials of the European Parliament, deputy Albana Vokshi listed the issues about which the DP group informed the MEPs. From Strasbourg, Vokshi said that they had informed the political groups in the European Parliament about the current […]
![Opposition’s Meta against the Rama-Meloni migration pact, head of PL calls for protests after the arrival of immigrants](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/10/oppositions-meta-against-the-rama-meloni-migration-pact-head-of-pl-calls-for-protests-after-the-arrival-of-immigrants_67112101e4f47.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Opposition’s Meta against the Rama-Meloni migration pact, head of PL calls for protests after the arrival of immigrants
As the first ship with immigrants from Italy to be processed in Albania landed today on the shores of Shengjin, Ilir Meta hastened to call for popular protests against the Rama-Meloni pact. “The whole of Albania should rise in protest so that this is no longer a place of conglomeration of immigrants, where the Albanian […]
![Greece “softens” stance on Albania, promises support in EU membership negotiations](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/10/greece-softens-stance-on-albania-promises-support-in-eu-membership-negotiations_670fcf7ab6eff.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Greece “softens” stance on Albania, promises support in EU membership negotiations
11 months after the headlines of the Greek press about the first Greek “blockade” for Albania due to the issue of the minority mayor “Beleri”, Greek foreign ministër Georgios Gerapetritis said today that he considers the Conference Intergovernmental EU-Albania as a historical moment for the development of the European progress of the Western Balkans. The […]
![Albania and the EU start the first chapter of membership talks in Brussels](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/10/albania-and-the-eu-start-the-first-chapter-of-membership-talks-in-brussels_670e7dfc89c8a.png-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Albania and the EU start the first chapter of membership talks in Brussels
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama was in Luxembourg today at a historic moment in the European Integration Process for the country. Rama was in the talks with the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani, the Minister of State and Chief Negotiator Majlinda Dhuka, the Minister of State for Public Administration and Anticorruption Adea […]
![Italy takes over new refugee camps in Albania, colonel: In any instance we will act as if we were in Italy](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/10/italy-takes-over-new-refugee-camps-in-albania-colonel-in-any-instance-we-will-act-as-if-we-were-in-italy_670a8980f1fa4.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Italy takes over new refugee camps in Albania, colonel: In any instance we will act as if we were in Italy
The immigrant centers in Shengjin and Gjadër in northwestern Albania were today taken over by the Italian security authorities and within the next week they are expected to open to accommodate the first immigrants that come to Italy, who will undergo accelerated asylum procedures. The Italian colonel for Protection and Security in the Gjadri camp […]
![Albanian ‘genius’ of mathematics successfully completes studies in Scotland but returns to contribute to his homeland](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/10/albanian-genius-of-mathematics-successfully-completes-studies-in-scotland-but-returns-to-contribute-to-his-homeland_6707e67f6a98f.png-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Albanian ‘genius’ of mathematics successfully completes studies in Scotland but returns to contribute to his homeland
7 years ago, Top Channel brought the story of the young man who was known as the ‘mathematical genius’ Rei Dunja, then a 15-year-old with big dreams. Today Rei, 22 years old, returns to Albania to realize his dreams. He was educated at one of the best universities in the world, receiving honors and gold […]
![Erdogan in Tirana promises trade and armaments for Albania, asks to reject dissident organizations](https://lajmidites.com/wp-content/uploads/thumbnails/2024/10/erdogan-in-tirana-promises-trade-and-armaments-for-albania-asks-to-reject-dissident-organizations_6707e67ad8063.jpeg-730x440-lajmidites.com.webp)
Erdogan in Tirana promises trade and armaments for Albania, asks to reject dissident organizations
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the joint conference with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Tirana expressed that he appreciates the fight that our country is doing against terrorist organizations, referring to the dissident group FETO, which has been declared a ‘terrorist’ by Turkey. “We continue our efforts to increase trade volume to 2 […]