3 rezultate u gjendën
Two elementary schools in Sauk turn to “a nightmare” for students as they have no frontyard

Two elementary schools in Sauk turn to “a nightmare” for students as they have no frontyard

Since two years, two schools in Sauk on the outskirts of Tirana have become a source of accidents for their students, as they do not have a yard. Students exit the school door directly onto the road. Students’ parents from “Mustafa Greblleshi” and “Sandër Prosi” school in Sauk complained to the investigative program saying their […]
VIDEO: Raketat ruse bombardojnë spitalin e fëmijëve në Kiev

VIDEO: Raketat ruse bombardojnë spitalin e fëmijëve në Kiev

Disa raketa ruse kanë bombarduar ditën e sotme spitalin më të madh të fëmijëve në Kiev, njëkohësisht një prej spitaleve më të mëdhenj të fëmijëve në Europë. Pamjet nga vendngjarja janë dramatike, ndërsa numri i saktë i viktimave nuk dihet ende. Sipas informacioneve të pakonfirmuara, dyshohet për të paktën 17 viktima dhe 43 të plagosur. […]
3 people are detained in Durrës for exploiting their children to beg in the beach area

3 people are detained in Durrës for exploiting their children to beg in the beach area

The Crime Investigation Specialists of the Durrës Police, during continuous patrols with the aim of guaranteeing order and public safety, have found that some children were used by their parents to beg for Money in the beach area. For the cases in question the materials have been referred to the Prosecutor’s Office, where the proceedings […]